Sunday, October 30, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: "Keen Observers but Poor Interpreters"

I read a post the other day that referenced the saying: “Children are keen observers but poor interpreters.” Isn’t it amazing how simple phrases cast a bright beam of light on life’s complex issues? As I pondered this truth and the importance of how we conduct ourselves around children, I was struck with the thought that this applies to Christians and God.
As children of God there is so much in this world which we keenly observe but do not understand. How then does God bridge the divide? It’s funny how the mind forges a path from the unknown to the known (or is it being guided).
Have you ever tried to answer a child’s questions and even as you speak you know that they won’t understand? They won’t understand because their minds haven’t developed to the point of comprehension.
Is that how it is sometimes when we question God and don’t receive answers to the questions or, don’t understand the answers given? We are after all “spiritual babes” devoid of the brilliance which God possesses. Sin has also (in my opinion) greatly diminished our spiritual sensibilities and there are some things which as a result, we will never understand until we’ve been restored.
For now…this helps to ease my troubled mind.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: "God's Heart"

This is an issue that I truly struggle with…I believe in God’s brilliance when I consider the world and all that He’s created but human suffering often makes me question His heart. Yes, I’ve heard the argument that God does not cause bad things to happen and that sin holds the primary responsibility for all the pain in the world however, the question then often pops into my head: “Who then in more responsible, the entity which causes the pain or the entity which has the power to prevent it?” OR is it that they share equal responsibilities?
I am afraid that yes indeed, I am a doubting Thomas as I cannot just believe or have faith without having some form of logical reconciliation to my questions. Like Thomas I need to feel the imprints of those wounds. As I struggle this is what I am realizing (i.e. my light bulb moment):
“I will never understand why suffering is allowed in many instances and not prevented by an all powerful God. I will not understand at this present moment because I cannot see the beginning from the end nor am I able to see into the hearts of man. Therefore, trying to understand a complex issue with limited vision is senseless. It’s like trying to solve a math equation with half of the problem.”
Then What? Now I understand the purpose of faith.
If I believe in God’s brilliance and I acknowledge that I cannot see what He sees then I choose to believe in His goodness whether the visible outcome is good or bad. That’s the clincher for me-that faith is not just some arbitrary form of reasoning. It’s a conscious decision to trust in an all powerful Being who obviously trumps my intellect.
I can hear the some of the mature Christians probably saying: “Duh.” Oh well (smile). We all have to EXPERIENCE God for ourselves…that’s how we build a firm foundation.  I am not one who believes in not questioning God but that’s a topic for another day.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: "You will love again..."

I came across a posting Cancer kiss-off: Getting dumped after diagnosis” an article which primarily discussed women who were deserted after being diagnosed with cancer.   One participant to the article mentioned coming home after her first radiation treatment only to discover an empty house-her husband had just UP and LEFT her! (I know of no better way to convey my sentiments)
I could only imagine the immeasurable pain and disappointment now coupled with the fear of a compounded unknown. Modern day Jobs…that’s what came to mind. This poem was written after a friend informed me of her divorce and I think/hope that it’s appropriate in this case also.
I used to think that the phrase “Time does heal” was so cliché but indeed it is true. Time may not cure but it does foster healing.

You Will Love Again

You promised forever and today
Your ‘forever’ is gone.
Allow your heart to heal from its pain.
And it will heal.
It’s larger and stronger than you believe.
Leave it open.
Employ love,
Not pain to speak your story.
You have loved before…
In time,
You will love,
And be loved again.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: "Silent Scream"

When someone understands us, when they truly get US and they want to stick around anyway-what a precious gift of friendship that is. Do you have someone like that in your life? I’m not talking about family (they’re supposed to love your craziness… HA!). No, I’m talking about a total stranger, who one day walked into your life and decided that you were OK. If you are one of the lucky ones, please let them know how grateful you are that your paths have crossed.
I love to 'people watch'. I can sit for hours in a mall and just watch people walk by. Some of them smile at me but it doesn’t reach their eyes. It’s as if I can see all the loneliness, worry and stress mirrored in their gaze and what’s touching is that still; they make an effort to smile. This poem is for them…

Silent Scream

I heard you scream.
Didn’t think I heard you
Did you?
You were walking by and
Turned to me and smiled.
And although your lips were shut
I felt your pain.
It was in your eyes,
The scream was in your eyes.
I pray for you.
I prayed for you then.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: "Still Standing"

Abandoned buildings remind me of us and of life. As this world wages its war…a crack develops, stones create broken windows and we show the scars. Yet, from the trials, pain and sorrows of life a deeper beauty emerges…“Weathered Beauty.” 
The lines etched into our faces, the graying hairs, the wounds in our flesh and hearts tell the story. The bodies ravaged by disease, the hearts crushed by pain, the calloused hands and missing limbs are the scribes. They tell the world …we’ve been beaten and torn by life but like these abandoned buildings... “WE ARE STILL STANDING!”
As you read the poem “Still Standing” and view pictures of these beautiful old farmhouses, I dare you to look past the cracks, the holes, the sagging walls and the broken windows. I challenge you to acknowledge the weathered beauty in you designed by life.

"Still Standing"
Callous observers stare in disdain.
Looking through their eyes…
 I am a “once was”
And what remains seems;
I’ve weathered storms, I’ve braced against stones.
My creaks and groans,
Are often heard in the wind.
Bruised and battered
Yet somehow,
To one side I may lean,
Fragile, Torn, Strained even Broken
“Still Standing”.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: “Pain, the Pulse and the Heart of God”

This is a concept that with me is presently evolving and so I’m rather hesitant to speak of it without arriving at a final conclusion. There are those thoughts however which create such a paradigm shift in ones mode of thinking, that to hold it in, creates a tremendous build up of pressure. So this post is my release of that pressure valve.
I’ve been reading Philip Yancey’s book “Where Is God When It Hurts?” and as a result was introduced to Dr. Paul Brand. Dr. Brand spent the majority of his life blazing a medical trail in the treatment of leprosy. One of the key points which he noted in his research was- that leprosy in and of itself, was not the primary cause of the disfigurements which he witnessed in so many of his patients. Instead, it was the absence of pain due to the destruction of nerve endings caused by the disease, which allowed them to injure their bodies without realizing that they were doing so. It was through this realization that Dr. Brand developed an appreciation for the phenomena of pain.
This is where the little gray cells in my brain started firing overtime. I began to consider pain (both physical and emotional) running rampant in this world.  I reflected on human suffering while noting songs such as “When Peace like a River”, or the many books available like the ones written by Joni Eareckson Tada and Philip Yancey. Each song, each book representing profound ministries born out of pain yet so positively affecting the lives of millions. Gradually I started to realize that maybe in my focusing on what was wrong with this world- I’d become blinded to the blessings of pain. Yes, indeed I said it: “the blessings of pain” and with that concept still being so new to me, I literally cringe every time I consider it.
However, when I reflect on the lives of fellow human beings who have experienced considerable tragedy while still retaining and increasing their love for and service to God, I indeed started to recognize a pattern. Something great happens and their ministries (intended or not) take on such a widened sphere of positive influence that one has to stop and take notice. An even greater phenomenon is that each contributor acknowledges their painful experience as being a positive and pivotal point in their lives.
It’s as if, when we in the midst of our pain turn to God instead of away from Him and look for reasons to praise Him in spite of the anguish, we gain access to His pulse and His heartbeat and miracles happen.  In other words, the very thing that Satan would have to destroy us, God uses it to draw us closer to Him if we would allow it. But it doesn’t stop there. He then seeks to reward us as He did with Job for, it is one thing to serve Him when it’s all going good, but when we determine to serve Him in the midst of our pain, we have placed our fingers on His pulse and He allows us to feel His heartbeat.  What greater joy can there be than to have such closeness to the heart of God?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: “Dare to Embrace Your Dream”

RIP Steve Jobs.

It’s amazing how the death of a total stranger can affect you simply by the way in which they lived their lives. I admire Steve Jobs for one reason that’s captured in a small portion of his 2005 commencement speech at Stanford in which he stated:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

Read the rest of his speech here.

I would like to take it one step further. God did not create us haphazardly. Each of us was not only designed for a purpose, but there is a compass implanted within, calibratedto lead us to our divine destiny IF we choose to pay attention to it. Unfortunately, too often we let the ‘norms’ of society, the expectation of others and the rivers of self doubt coursing through our minds to dull our vision and thereby block our dreams.

·         Pay attention to what you love.
·         What is it that makes you feel alive and closest to God when you’re immersed in it?
·         Have you harbored a dream that you’ve pushed on the back burner simply because it ‘seemed unrealistic?”

Mr. Jobs dropped out of college and slept in the dorm rooms of some his friends while taking classes he enjoyed. If we had been asked to critique him right then, adjectives like ‘bum’ or ‘loser’ would probably come to mind. How seriously wrong would we have been?

Sometimes the opinions of others can be so deafening, that we need to withdraw from the noise, listen to the still small voice of God and answer His call on our lives. I can think of no greater reward than to hear the words: “Well done” when I meet Him face to face. Whitley Phipps sings a beautiful song: “Keep on Climbing.” As you listen, I hope you enjoy it and I do hope that you have the courage to Embrace Your Dreams!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: “A Must Read Story-Vonetta Flowers”

It’s a chill bump story. You know those stories where you can literally trace the hand of God in someone’s life? This is one of them. I heard Vonetta’s name mentioned while listening to Joel Osteen and had to Google her to really get an understanding about her story. I’ve outlined the skeleton version below using bullet points but you must visit her website Vonetta's Story to really understand the power behind her testimony. Here goes:
·         Since she was a young girl (9 years old), she dreamed of competing and winning a Gold Medal in the summer Olympics and trained practically her entire life in the hopes of fulfilling that dream.

·          At the 1996 trials she was unsuccessful in obtaining a spot on the team.

·         She spent the next 4 years training but unfortunately did not make the team then either.

·         She decided it was time to retire and possibly start a family.

·         Her husband noticed a flyer asking track and field athletes to try out for the bobsled team and tried to talk her into going. She and her husband knew nothing about bobsledding and essentially she thought the whole idea was ridiculous.

·         Her husband decided to participate anyway but pulled a hamstring and she ended up completing the test for him because she wanted to assist him with his dream. (That’s the part that really gave me chill bumps).

·         Long story short, she became the first person of African descent from any country to win a Gold Medal in the Winter Olympics and the first African-American to win a Gold Medal in the Winter Olympics.
What if she had given up? It blew my mind to see how God ordered her steps because of her determined spirit and not only did she get her Gold Medal but she also became a trailblazer! I’m planning on purchasing her book: “Running on Ice”.
What a powerful testimony.  Indeed, disappointments can be brutal and some may even knock us down but we can’t afford to give up! You simply do not know what mind boggling blessings God has lined up for you in your future. Please, don’t miss out on claiming your victories by giving up.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: “Blessing People With Your Words”

The title of this post comes from one of Joel Osteen’s sermons #502 “Blessing People with Your Words.” I am becoming more convinced every day, that as a general rule, we fail to comprehend the power of the words that we speak. So callously we sometimes toss around our thoughts without conscious consideration of the consequences behind our actions. One of the key points in Joel’s message pointed out the concept that- thinking something good about someone does them no good, unless they hear it from us and therefore, we should be free with our compliments. Sadly just the opposite is true. We tend to be free with our criticisms and judgments and tight lipped with our compliments.
Consider Job’s friends…not once did they encourage him or remind him of what a special person he was in the eyes of God. Is it any wonder God informed them that unless Job prayed for them they would be in some serious trouble? How about the words which we speak to ourselves? When you make a mistake do you call yourself stupid? Are you going through a difficult time and you keep telling yourself that it will never get better? Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived stated: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” Proverbs 18:21 KJV
I encourage you today to speak words of life, hope and encouragement to yourself and to others. Out of the million and one combinations that could have occurred during your conception God created YOU! Anyone familiar with science at all understands, that you being here just as you are did not happen by chance. You were created by God for a purpose and God does not make mistakes. Do not allow words of discouragement to keep you from your God given purpose in this life. Remember, no matter what you’re going through or how much of a mess you think you’ve made of your life: “…He who began a good work in you will carry it on to COMPLETION until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

Watch Joel’s sermon here: