Thursday, September 29, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day:"Laughter is Good Medicine"

Have you ever noticed that when you're having a really rough day, the minute someone makes you laugh or puts a smile on your face, you feel so much better? I've often heard the advice to smile even when you don't feel like it because it actually does lift the mood. Isn't the body wonderful?

It's a pity Job's friends weren't blessed with a sense of humor...he certainly could have used some comedy to lighten his spirit. I've also noticed that when someone can make you laugh, whether it be a relative, friend or significant other-you tend to tolerate a whole lot more from them. Can anyone else attest to this? I've always believed that the ability to make people laugh is a priceless gift which can be used to do so much good.

Below are two videos which will hopefully add some joy to your life today. Enjoy!

Isn't he precious? The laughter of a child is indeed a sweet sound.

All I have to say is too cute!!

Have a wonderful day...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: "Ever Feel like Giving Up Lately?"

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
We live in a world where success and perfection are paramount, where people often ask “How are you?” but never stop for the answer, where any form of apparent weakness is regarded with disdain. Survival of the fittest-if you can’t keep up with the race then get out. Is it any wonder then that so many people give up? They look at the lives of celebrities, the rich and famous, people at the top of their game and think: “That will never be me-I can’t ever seem to get myself together.” If you’ve ever felt that way then this is for you (and for ME).
Chicken Soup for the Soul
 I had no idea of the history behind Chicken Soup for the Soul. In the words of one of the founders Jack Canfield, here’s a portion of what they experienced in trying to have their first book published: "We were rejected by 123 publishers all told," Canfield told "The first time we went to New York, we visited with about a dozen publishers in a two day period with our agent, and nobody wanted it. They all said it was a stupid title, that nobody bought collections of short stories, that there was no edge -- no sex, no violence. Why would anyone read it?" See the rest of his biography here

Walt Disney
At 22, Walt Disney experienced bankruptcy and in the 1930s he experienced what he called “a heck of a breakdown. Read the rest of his story here

Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur was initially a mediocre student ranking 15th among 22 candidates set to enroll in Ecole Normale Superiuere.  See his story here He is quoted as saying: Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”

Henry Ford
Henry Ford spent $86,000 attempting to produce a car that would not be sold. After his investors deserted him, he started yet another company which also ended in failure. Read more here According to Mr. Ford: Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

Susan Jeffers
Susan Jeffers author of the book: “Feel the fear and do it anyway” received such a scathing letter from a reviewer that had it been my book, I might have promptly burned it. This is what she says: “My new career took a while to take hold. It took many, many rejections before my first book, FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY, was finally accepted by a publisher. The worst rejection letter I ever got was that "Lady Di could be bicycling nude down the street giving this book away and nobody would read it." See her biography here She has gone on to sell millions of copies-oh to see the look on that reviewer’s face.

And the list goes on and on. Whenever I’m inundated with thoughts of my failures it is such an inspiration to read the stories of fellow human beings who’ve faced failure and adversity and have never given up. I am also realizing that when you’re at your lowest point, you are quite possibly at the onset your greatest breakthrough if you don’t give up. Why? At this point inhibitions, meeting the status quo, and appearances start not to matter. You (or at least I do) somehow go into the “I have nothing to lose mode” and interestingly enough you begin to make things happen.

It’s been proven my dear friends that failures can breed success if only You Don’t Give Up!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: "Where is God when I Hurt?"

As I surfed the internet today I came across a profound statement that literally slapped me across the face. It’s funny how words, phrases or sentences can take the same idea or principle and give it a whole new meaning. Indeed, the written word is a powerful tool and should therefore be used wisely and with great caution.
“When you think and feel things like, “I am hurting so much but I don’t feel God’s presence!  It is hard for me to think of Him much less pray to Him in my hurt!  I feel He has deserted me because He doesn’t seem to answer my cry for help!”  You need to understand (if you don’t already know) that from a psychological and physical standpoint, when you hurt your mind doesn’t think very clearly, because your mind is mentally trying to handle the pain. Your emotions are screaming pain and hurt so it isn’t easy to feel anything but what you are experiencing. When you are suffering, anxiety and depression can also weigh on your feelings and outlook on life. So when you feel like He isn’t there when you are suffering, you need to realize no matter how you feel He is with you!”

How absolutely profound! I knew that when someone was in a depressed state or going through extreme mental or emotional anguish situations ‘appear’ to be worse than they actually are. I’ve experienced that so frequently…something that may not bother me when I’m happy will cause me to bite someone’s head off when I’m sad or depressed. BUT, it never occurred to me to link that with my feelings of abandonment by God. It’s empowering when you can cognitively recognize that what you’re feeling is not factual but a symptom of your emotional state. Subsequently, I further understood why loving God and your fellow man should not be based upon feeling but based upon choice-in other words, loving with your head in addition to your heart.

So if you’re feeling as if God has abandoned you-He hasn’t. If you feel as if it won’t ever get better-IT WILL. Recognize that these feelings of despair are symptoms of your pain and just as your body can heal so can your mind and your soul. This too shall pass!

Rest if you must but DO NOT QUIT!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: "I Am Thankful..."

It's funny how God speaks to you in subtle ways. I was in the middle of a self-pity party that was going on full blast and was feeling rather justisfied too UNTIL I came across this poem written by a high school student by the name of Frances Shipp.Talk about putting things into perspective! I was humbled and blessed...Enjoy.

             I am thankful for...
·         the wife who says it’s hot dogs tonight because she is home with me and not out with someone else.
·         the husband who is on the sofa being a couch potato because he is home with me and not out at the bars.
·         the teenager who is complaining about doing dishes because it means she is at home, not on the streets.
·         the taxes I pay because it means I am employed.
·         the mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
·         the clothes that fit a little too snugly because it means I have enough to eat.
·         my shadow that watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine, and for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a house.
·         all the complaining I hear about the government because it means we have freedom of speech.
·         the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking and have been blessed with transportation.
·         my huge heating bill because it means I am warm.
·         the lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means I can hear.
·         the pile of laundry and ironing because it means I have clothes to wear.
·         weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been capable of working hard.
·         the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means I am alive.
submitted by Frances Shipp, Weaver High School, Weaver, Alabama

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day- "No More Worries"

So I thought I would place a little humor smack dab in the midst of everything. This was taken from a little magazine/flier I received at home and can be viewed at

"I decided to stop worrying about my teenage son's driving and take advantage of it. I got one of those bumper stickers that says "How's my driving?" and put a 900 number on it. At 50 cents a call, I've been making $38 a week."

I hope that you enjoyed that ingenuity as much as I did and maybe it put a smile on your face.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Poem by Claudia Minden Weisz-"And God Said No"

And God Said No

I asked God to take away my pride. And God said "No".
He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up.

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. And God said "No".
He said her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.

I asked God to grant me patience. And God said "No".
He said patience is a by-product of tribulations. It isn't granted, it is earned.

I asked God to give me happiness. And God said "No".
He said He gives me blessings, happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me pain. And God said "No".
He said suffering draws me apart from worldly cares and brings me closer to Him.

I asked God to make my spirit grow. And God said "No".
He said I must grow on my own. But He will prune me to make me fruitful.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. And God said "No".
He said He will give me life, that I may enjoy all things.

I ask God to help me love others, as much as he loves me.
And God said "Ah, finally you have the idea!"

Copyright © Claudia Minden Weisz (the mother of a Rett Syndrome child)

Encouragement 4 The Day: "Reconciliation"


Something. Is. Not. Right.
I am trying to wrap my brain around
Omnipotent. Omnipresent.
They say that’s not WHAT You are, but WHO You Are.
Bellies distended.
Babies too hungry, too weak to cry.
Frail bodies raped and torn
Discarded as trash.
Alpha and Omega
The beginning and the end- You Are.
Is this suffering that you see
Worth breathing your Spirit into mortal clay?
Is it?
In the pain I see Your brilliance
Reflected within the human spirit’s will to
Not only survive, but to overcome.
And so even though I don’t get You,
And some days I struggle to love You,
I acquiesce that indeed…
You are God.


We may not always understand why God allows certain things to happen but if we search deep enough (and sometimes we don't have to go far), in the midst of the problems we will recognize His brilliance. At that point we can rest in the knowledge that in the end- it ALL works out for good.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"When you’ve Lost Someone you Love."

“The third messenger was still speaking when another messenger arrived and said, “Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine together at the oldest brother’s house. Suddenly a great wind came from the desert, hitting all four corners of the house at once. The house fell in on the young people, and they are all dead. I am the only one who escaped to tell you!” Job1:18, 19 NCV
I remember when a friend of mine and a fellow student died as a result of a car accident on her way home during the school break. Even as I type this post, feelings of sadness permeate my spirit for she was a beautiful soul.  Death, especially when it’s sudden and unexpected, can render such a blow- to breathe in and of itself is painful. Can you imagine in ONE day, losing your home, your business and your children? My mind is also on Dr. William Petit whose beautiful wife and two daughters were killed in a senseless home invasion.Death of a Wife, Mother and Two Daughters Maybe you’ve recently experienced the death of a loved one or you’re still reeling from the pain even though some time has passed.

How do you cope with the Sting of Death?

·         No one but God can heal this pain- go to Him. But what if you’re angry or even blaming God for this trial? Tell Him that. Talk to Him as if you’re speaking with another human being. You are hurting and at this time stoicism is not a requirement.

·         Rest. If there is a day that you just want to sit and cry…sit and cry. Some people advocate pushing yourself to keep going and I understand their purpose-you don’t want to just stop living. However, do not deny yourself the expression of your pain as it helps you heal. If you want to scream-scream (preferably in an isolated area), if you want to punch something -punch it (preferably something inanimate and soft)…you catch my drift.

·         Music-I am such a firm believer in the therapeutic qualities of music. Inundate your life with music that you enjoy and love whether you feel like it or not. Just turn it on-you may be surprised to find that somehow your mood has been lifted.

·         Write-whatever you’re feeling write it down. Writing is cathartic.

·         Find support-You know what I’ve realized? Hearing “I’m praying for you” or “I’m sorry for your loss” does help especially when we know that the speaker truly cares. However, when you’re in the company of those who have gone through what you’re going through, it makes a HUGE difference. Join a support group- you’ll meet people who TRULY understand your pain.

“And God shall wipe away all tear from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:4 KJV
Remember: We don’t see the full picture only God knows the beginning from the end. Though we may not understand why- He is in control and He loves you.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"Fair-Weathered Friends"

“After Job prayed for his friends, the Lord gave him success again. The Lord gave Job twice as much as he owned before. Job’s brothers and sisters came to his house, along with everyone who had known him before, and they all ate with him there. They comforted him and made him feel better about the trouble the Lord had brought on him, and each one gave Job a piece of silver and a gold ring.” Job42:10-11 NCV
I think you know where I’m going with this post considering the title-right? Where were all these family members and friends when Job was in the midst of his crisis? Not a one is mentioned (except his suicide advocating wife and his [3+1] self righteous friends).
Are you going through a crisis and there is no-one to turn to? Have the friends who promised to ‘have your back’ all disappeared and maybe family members are offering nothing but criticism?
“…I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Joshua 1:5 NIV
“Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.” Psalm 146:3 NIV
·         You are not the only one who has been deserted by those you love- they also deserted Christ.
·         You are not alone- “As God was with Job, He is also with you.”

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"When God has more Faith in Us than We have in Ourselves"

Persevering through trials is certainly not an easy task and in the midst of the pain hearing the phrase: “God never puts more on you than you can bear” may actually bring to mind a few choice words. “Hear me out” and consider Job.
Do you think that God’s plan was to set Job up for failure and allow Satan the pleasure of saying “I told you so”? Certainly not, God knew EXACTLY what Job was capable of yet Job in the midst of his pain certainly did not (he wanted to give up and die).  So what is the lesson?
1.       We cannot see what’s going on behind the scenes-stop trying to figure it out-trust God.
2.       We will have doubts-feel the fear and trust God anyway.
3.       If you’re going through it-He’s allowing it and there’s a good reason for it-trust God.
4.       When it seems to be more than you can bear-sometimes we fight when we should be resting-trust God.
5.       If He believes in you and your ability to be faithful (in spite of the pain)-He must know- He’s carried you this far-trust God.
I know in theory it all sounds good and I know that pain takes it to a whole other level, but if we can just remember the story of Job. Job had no clue that his end would be better than his beginning-he just refused to desert God and God did not let him down.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"Being a Christian does not Guarantee a Trouble Free Life"

I’m sure that some Christians, even though we are aware of the fact that being a Christian does not guarantee a life without problems, if we admit it, we do expect/hope to have fewer burdens than the average person. We anticipate being surrounded by that hedge of protection that’s promised in the Bible. So, when trouble hits (at least in my case) initially we’re thinking ok, my God will take care of this. But as time drags on and there seems to be no end in sight, we start a mental list of the good things that we’ve done. Lord, I’ve paid my tithe, didn’t curse my boss out when I could have, I volunteered at the homeless shelter, gave my last two dollars away…when are You gonna handle this problem?
Job did the same thing. He started to list all of his good deeds and challenged God that if he indeed was not as good as he claimed, to hold him accountable. That’s when it hit me. When I realized how good Job was and he still faced such heart wrenching problems…being a good Christian does not absolve you from pain.  It also does not guarantee an express answer to prayer.
Instead, being a good Christian in the midst of pain and trials guarantees that God will reward you for being faithful to Him in spite of it all. To those of you experienced Christians this may be a no brainer but it just hit home for me. He won’t keep the pain away and sometimes He won’t take the pain away, but His reward if I’m faithful, will more than compensate for it all!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"To take your mind off the pain…Keep Your Eye on the Game!"

The topic today was not meant to sound glib…instead I actually experienced that today. It was RUFF (misspelling intended ‘cause that’s how it was). I was sooo discouraged, and tired and wanted to spend the day in bed but was tired of doing that too!!! I paced my apartment miserable because the job search was turning out to be fruitless at every turn. Finally, I got on the internet and just started reading and looking. Then I’d come across something funny and start laughing and when I finally got up from the computer I was in such a better mood I was surprised. Not only had I responded to two more job postings when I thought I had no strength left but, I found humor in the middle of my job search.  I had to say a prayer of thanks to God because my mood, I promise you, had gotten pretty dark. I was feeling rather unloved and unimportant to Him.
A plug for sports: When you’re losing or not playing as well as you want to, don’t think about it- just concentrate on the game (I learned this while ‘playing’ tennis). If I thought about how many points I was behind sure enough it did nothing but put me in an anxious mood which consequently had an even greater negative impact. But, if I concentrated on just returning the ball man, the dumbstruck look on my opponent’s face would be priceless. I’d start to notice something also…when they realized that I was catching up and started to become anxious- guess what happened? It’s interesting to watch psychology at play.
Ok-back to spiritual matters. So consider Job. What if his friends had, instead of fault finding, encouraged him to keep his eye on what is important? What if they had filled their conversations with talks of heaven and the promises of God or just gotten a tub of water with some oatmeal and allowed Job to soak while singing songs? This brings me to another important matter- be careful of the company that you keep when you’re going through trials. Even though some people mean well, just their nature will cause more harm than God.
I read an article today about how Tyler Perry was one of the highest paid men in the entertainment industry. If you haven’t read his story here is a link:  Tyler Perry. What if he had given up when he was homeless? I’m sure that he had no idea at that time he would be where he is today. Keep your eye on the Game! Trouble will not last!
(Oh and by the way-I'd decided that I wasn’t going to write on the blog today. Well guess what happened?) (Smile)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"When Life Hurts!"

There are some days when it’s so difficult just to lift your head off of your pillow. Unless you’ve experienced the thrashing of depression you just won’t understand how that emotional ache translates into palpable physical pain and fatigue. Sometimes you just cannot pinpoint exactly why you’re unhappy (if you could- you would do something about it); you just know that it’s a HUGE struggle to find joy.
For  Christians although it should be easier (as we are advised to lean on Christ), it can actually be even more difficult as we try to abstain from those things that would harm the body ,mind or spirit but things which tend to hopefully provide a temporary release from pain. I’m referring to the mind numbing drugs such as narcotics and alcohol, for those of us not married engaging in a sexual relationship or other behaviors distancing us from Christ. So what then do we turn to?
More than anything, I’ve found because of my introverted personality, that music considerably eases the ache inside of my soul. There is something about hearing a beautiful piece of music that even in my darkest throes of depression I find myself happy to be alive just to hear it sung or played. One artist in particular comes to mind and that’s Dax Johnson. His music, in my opinion, reveals the heart of a beautiful soul and I just want to share one of his pieces with you today. May it help to ease your heart and bring a smile to your face. R.I.P. Dax … love you even though I’ve never met you.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"This Battle is NOT Yours!"

We’re caught up in a serious battle between God and Satan, between good and evil and many of us are feeling the heat. Now, I’m not talking about the problems that we create for ourselves (sometimes we blame Satan for things which we’ve orchestrated). I’m talking about when the harder you try to do right, the more you try to be a witness, that’s when it seems as if all hell is breaking lose. For every step you take forward you’re taking two steps backwards and you want to give up. Or maybe you’re like me (Miss Independent) wanting to do everything on your own and leaving a trail of mess in your path.
Remember: This battle that you face, WHATEVER it is, sickness, death, discouragement, rejection, pain hopelessness, this battle is NOT YOURS it belongs to God. Give it to Him and let Him fight it for you. Enjoy the peace that He offers because worrying sure ain’t gonna make anything better!
And when it’s hard to remember to let go and let God listen to the words of this song sung by Yolanda Adams: “The Battle is not yours it’s the Lords.” Be Blessed!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"Perspective"


An Indian proverb goes: “I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet.”

Sometimes in the midst of our pain we need a little perspective. In the process of searching for a job and getting desperate, I was feeling rather sorry for myself especially since (as I explained to God), I was not asking for a hand-out…I wanted to work. To show you the level of my desperation I actually typed into Google the words “please God help me find a job” and arrived at this link: At this prayers online website I read the heart wrenching prayers of those of loved God and longed for Him to intervene on their behalves.  One gentleman by the name of Patrick really touched me and this was his post:

“Dear Jenni,
I just want to join you in prayer with you and others about your situation and encourage you in the Lord to be patient and God some how through His divine love will grant you Divine favor…..I am in a similar situation,in fact I just requested prayer for myself and family,my wife and myself are currently unemployed,I am the head of the household,I have been trying to find a job for the past 8 months..eviction is about to be served,our utilities about to be turned off,my step daughter is bipolar and very violent…last week I was on the road seeking jobs all over I could not drive our truck because I could not afford gas,after walking over 10 miles I was simply tired and worn out..I crossed the street to the other side,a cop came out of nowhere and gave me a ticket for “jaywalking” I apologised to her,explained that I honestly was not aware there was a cross walk,I thought she would have warned me she did not ,the fine was $116.25, I went to court and paid the ticket,the last money I had to help out with food,that same night they repossesed our truck,the utilities are being turned off,eviction notice about to be served…yes the storm is blowing but somehow I believe that Jesus is allowing this for a divine reason,I keep on believing that He will not leave nor forsake us regardless of the situation,I keep trying to encourage my wife so as not to have her nor myself become like Esau when he sold his birthright just for a morsel of bread..Jenni right now I am so physically hungry but I am here at the local library filling out applications on-line,Jesus Christ is my Bread of Life and I know somehow if I continue to obey Him ,continue doing the right things without compromising I know somehow he will pull us through..I pray God’s peace on your situation,I pray especially for your little baby,I pray God’s special anointing on his precious little life,I pray that God may encamp His angels around your Household and give you protection against all attacks,I pray that the Blood of Jesus Christ be sprinkled on the doorpost of your family’s minds,may He grant you provisions,His Peace,His mercy and His love.Amen.”
Here was someone in the midst of his own pain, while hungry, reaching out to bless someone else. May God forgive me for my grumbling and fill my heart with such a burdening love, that I will do more for my fellow man.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"Accountability"


I was born with a will,
A mind to think~
I OWN it.

I dare to speak the truth,
And whatever the cost~
I OWN it.

I march to the beat of my own drums,
And should the path I choose lead to joy or pain~
I OWN it.

I accept that being ME has its consequences,
I make no apologies, I have no regrets~
I OWN it.

I’ll embrace each moment & strive to make it count,
This is my life, my time, this is my now~
I OWN it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"Metamorphosis"


Like a caterpillar
Barely escaping the crush
Of someone’s heel,
You’ve created your cocoon~
A place to run and hide.
Like a carpet’s threads
Weaves its way throughout your soul.
It’s time to emerge.
Don’t rush … take your time.
The struggles that you face
Will give strength to your wings
A soon one day
You will fly.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"When God answers a question with one of His Own."

Aside from turning Job’s focus away from himself, I never understood why God answered Job in the manner in which He did when He finally decided to acknowledge his cries. I felt as if He (God) was being rather hateful, arrogant and unsympathetic towards Job’s plight. Did Job not have the right to ask “Why?” Here was a man who had been careful not to sin, petitioned before God everyday for his children, befriended the poor and less fortunate and not only was his behind being kicked up one street and down the next, but his friends were harassing him with their accusations. Job held out for seven days and after the seventh day he wanted to die. Not only was he in emotional pain, but he was suffering physically and spiritually because he could not find God. If there ever was a hell on earth…this was it!
Still, when God finally answered Job He seemingly lashed out. Now don’t get me wrong. God being God had every right to retaliate but here again, I could not reconcile this reaction with the painted picture of a loving parent and a child. After all, how many of us sinful parents, if a child cried out in pain, would not acknowledge them and when we finally did, would not then lovingly answer as to why we’d taken so long to respond. Only the sadist personality would react unkindly…so why this seemingly unkind reaction from God?
The answer in my opinion lies in Job’s reaction to this onslaught of questions. He HUMBLES himself! Me? I probably would have flared up with self-righteousness indignation and begin rattling off the reasons why I DID NOT deserve this treatment. But Job, he humbled himself. I would love to hypothesize that God responded in this manner to establish yet another example for us-that Job still loved Him even though the very nature of His response could have been the straw that broke the camel’s back. How like a child…that rare humility.
Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of God. (Matthew 18:3)
“May God, instill in us the desire to become more childlike…always loving, always forgiving. In Jesus’ name-Amen”

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"Singularity"


You are different.
Sometimes it seems as if you don’t belong.
Never change who you are
For in this world,
There is a place reserved just for you.
It’s not easy being different,
But nothing worth having ever is.
And should you change,
You just might miss out on what was destined to be yours.
Embrace the courage to be yourself.
Embrace all that’s uniquely you.
You are perfect just the way you are
Now go,
Find your place in this world.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"Self Pity Will Sink You Every Time"

My personality when you consider the personality temperaments: Choleric, Melancholy, Sanguine and Phlegmatic, is strongly Melancholy then a bit of Choleric and Phlegmatic. Subsequently, for most of my life I have been prone to depressive tendencies. For those of you battling depression, you would understand that this personality trait lends to a miserable existence both for you and those around you.  Battling one of those periods prompted me to pick up a book at the library called: “How to Win Over DEPRESSION” BY Tim LaHaye and it certainly has been a very interesting read thus far. While I didn’t agree with everything written he made some very precise points which prompted me literally STOP and THINK.
One of the points made which I didn’t agree with was when Dr. LaHaye, in relating self pity to depression called self-pity sin. As with some of the other persons mentioned in the book, I too bristled when he had the nerve to state that the primary cause of depression was self pity. WHAT NERVE I thought and promptly after a few more painful attempts to continue reading skipped that chapter (yes I did). In fact, I got so annoyed that I put the book down but had to stop and think: Why was this bothering me so much? It’s one thing to disagree, but to become so annoyed warranted further examination.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"Humility"

I’ve decided to dwell on this topic a bit further maybe because it’s a struggle of mine…this humility concept. I despise the thought of being taken advantage of and the admonition “turn the other cheek” literally makes me shudder. Why is this? Well, it probably has to do with my being a Type A personality, but also with the fact, that instilled in every human being is that instinct of self preservation (we Type A personalities tend to “kick it up a notch” ).
As I pondered this humility predicament I realized that if you started your actions or reactions with the end in mind, it actually makes it a little easier to swallow. For e.g. someone steals your property and you’re tempted to react negatively -remember that when it all ends and Christ returns it’s all going to be burned up anyway (put’s things into perspective doesn’t it). Someone treats you unkindly and it’s really hurting and you need to set the record straight. When Christ comes will it really matter what others think of you? That’s what I mean by reacting or acting with the end in mind. Suddenly humility is not as difficult as initially anticipated.
Disclaimer: this does not mean you shouldn’t stand up for yourself instead, it simply means that your actions will be more Christ like and you will be satisfied that the final retribution will be handled by God.
I’ll leave you with the words of one of my favorite songs: Be Still My Soul and the link to a fantastic rendition by Selah. 
                                                                  "Be Still, My Soul"
                                                        by Catharina von Schlegel, 1697-?
                                                      Translated by Jane Borthwick, 1813-1897
1. Be still, my soul; the Lord is on thy side;
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain;
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul; thy best, thy heavenly, Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
2. Be still, my soul; thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence, let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul; the waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below.
4. Be still, my soul; the hour is hastening on
When we shall be forever with the Lord,
When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul; when change and tears are past,
All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.