Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"When you’ve Lost Someone you Love."

“The third messenger was still speaking when another messenger arrived and said, “Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine together at the oldest brother’s house. Suddenly a great wind came from the desert, hitting all four corners of the house at once. The house fell in on the young people, and they are all dead. I am the only one who escaped to tell you!” Job1:18, 19 NCV
I remember when a friend of mine and a fellow student died as a result of a car accident on her way home during the school break. Even as I type this post, feelings of sadness permeate my spirit for she was a beautiful soul.  Death, especially when it’s sudden and unexpected, can render such a blow- to breathe in and of itself is painful. Can you imagine in ONE day, losing your home, your business and your children? My mind is also on Dr. William Petit whose beautiful wife and two daughters were killed in a senseless home invasion.Death of a Wife, Mother and Two Daughters Maybe you’ve recently experienced the death of a loved one or you’re still reeling from the pain even though some time has passed.

How do you cope with the Sting of Death?

·         No one but God can heal this pain- go to Him. But what if you’re angry or even blaming God for this trial? Tell Him that. Talk to Him as if you’re speaking with another human being. You are hurting and at this time stoicism is not a requirement.

·         Rest. If there is a day that you just want to sit and cry…sit and cry. Some people advocate pushing yourself to keep going and I understand their purpose-you don’t want to just stop living. However, do not deny yourself the expression of your pain as it helps you heal. If you want to scream-scream (preferably in an isolated area), if you want to punch something -punch it (preferably something inanimate and soft)…you catch my drift.

·         Music-I am such a firm believer in the therapeutic qualities of music. Inundate your life with music that you enjoy and love whether you feel like it or not. Just turn it on-you may be surprised to find that somehow your mood has been lifted.

·         Write-whatever you’re feeling write it down. Writing is cathartic.

·         Find support-You know what I’ve realized? Hearing “I’m praying for you” or “I’m sorry for your loss” does help especially when we know that the speaker truly cares. However, when you’re in the company of those who have gone through what you’re going through, it makes a HUGE difference. Join a support group- you’ll meet people who TRULY understand your pain.

“And God shall wipe away all tear from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:4 KJV
Remember: We don’t see the full picture only God knows the beginning from the end. Though we may not understand why- He is in control and He loves you.


  1. yep very true ! i agree the most with 1st and writing ..and i love the last two line
    thank u ;)
