Sunday, September 11, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"When Life Hurts!"

There are some days when it’s so difficult just to lift your head off of your pillow. Unless you’ve experienced the thrashing of depression you just won’t understand how that emotional ache translates into palpable physical pain and fatigue. Sometimes you just cannot pinpoint exactly why you’re unhappy (if you could- you would do something about it); you just know that it’s a HUGE struggle to find joy.
For  Christians although it should be easier (as we are advised to lean on Christ), it can actually be even more difficult as we try to abstain from those things that would harm the body ,mind or spirit but things which tend to hopefully provide a temporary release from pain. I’m referring to the mind numbing drugs such as narcotics and alcohol, for those of us not married engaging in a sexual relationship or other behaviors distancing us from Christ. So what then do we turn to?
More than anything, I’ve found because of my introverted personality, that music considerably eases the ache inside of my soul. There is something about hearing a beautiful piece of music that even in my darkest throes of depression I find myself happy to be alive just to hear it sung or played. One artist in particular comes to mind and that’s Dax Johnson. His music, in my opinion, reveals the heart of a beautiful soul and I just want to share one of his pieces with you today. May it help to ease your heart and bring a smile to your face. R.I.P. Dax … love you even though I’ve never met you.

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