Thursday, September 8, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day-"Perspective"


An Indian proverb goes: “I had no shoes and complained, until I met a man who had no feet.”

Sometimes in the midst of our pain we need a little perspective. In the process of searching for a job and getting desperate, I was feeling rather sorry for myself especially since (as I explained to God), I was not asking for a hand-out…I wanted to work. To show you the level of my desperation I actually typed into Google the words “please God help me find a job” and arrived at this link: At this prayers online website I read the heart wrenching prayers of those of loved God and longed for Him to intervene on their behalves.  One gentleman by the name of Patrick really touched me and this was his post:

“Dear Jenni,
I just want to join you in prayer with you and others about your situation and encourage you in the Lord to be patient and God some how through His divine love will grant you Divine favor…..I am in a similar situation,in fact I just requested prayer for myself and family,my wife and myself are currently unemployed,I am the head of the household,I have been trying to find a job for the past 8 months..eviction is about to be served,our utilities about to be turned off,my step daughter is bipolar and very violent…last week I was on the road seeking jobs all over I could not drive our truck because I could not afford gas,after walking over 10 miles I was simply tired and worn out..I crossed the street to the other side,a cop came out of nowhere and gave me a ticket for “jaywalking” I apologised to her,explained that I honestly was not aware there was a cross walk,I thought she would have warned me she did not ,the fine was $116.25, I went to court and paid the ticket,the last money I had to help out with food,that same night they repossesed our truck,the utilities are being turned off,eviction notice about to be served…yes the storm is blowing but somehow I believe that Jesus is allowing this for a divine reason,I keep on believing that He will not leave nor forsake us regardless of the situation,I keep trying to encourage my wife so as not to have her nor myself become like Esau when he sold his birthright just for a morsel of bread..Jenni right now I am so physically hungry but I am here at the local library filling out applications on-line,Jesus Christ is my Bread of Life and I know somehow if I continue to obey Him ,continue doing the right things without compromising I know somehow he will pull us through..I pray God’s peace on your situation,I pray especially for your little baby,I pray God’s special anointing on his precious little life,I pray that God may encamp His angels around your Household and give you protection against all attacks,I pray that the Blood of Jesus Christ be sprinkled on the doorpost of your family’s minds,may He grant you provisions,His Peace,His mercy and His love.Amen.”
Here was someone in the midst of his own pain, while hungry, reaching out to bless someone else. May God forgive me for my grumbling and fill my heart with such a burdening love, that I will do more for my fellow man.

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