Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Encouragement 4 The Day: "Ever Feel like Giving Up Lately?"

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
We live in a world where success and perfection are paramount, where people often ask “How are you?” but never stop for the answer, where any form of apparent weakness is regarded with disdain. Survival of the fittest-if you can’t keep up with the race then get out. Is it any wonder then that so many people give up? They look at the lives of celebrities, the rich and famous, people at the top of their game and think: “That will never be me-I can’t ever seem to get myself together.” If you’ve ever felt that way then this is for you (and for ME).
Chicken Soup for the Soul
 I had no idea of the history behind Chicken Soup for the Soul. In the words of one of the founders Jack Canfield, here’s a portion of what they experienced in trying to have their first book published: "We were rejected by 123 publishers all told," Canfield told Shareguide.com. "The first time we went to New York, we visited with about a dozen publishers in a two day period with our agent, and nobody wanted it. They all said it was a stupid title, that nobody bought collections of short stories, that there was no edge -- no sex, no violence. Why would anyone read it?" See the rest of his biography here

Walt Disney
At 22, Walt Disney experienced bankruptcy and in the 1930s he experienced what he called “a heck of a breakdown. Read the rest of his story here

Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur was initially a mediocre student ranking 15th among 22 candidates set to enroll in Ecole Normale Superiuere.  See his story here He is quoted as saying: Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”

Henry Ford
Henry Ford spent $86,000 attempting to produce a car that would not be sold. After his investors deserted him, he started yet another company which also ended in failure. Read more here According to Mr. Ford: Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

Susan Jeffers
Susan Jeffers author of the book: “Feel the fear and do it anyway” received such a scathing letter from a reviewer that had it been my book, I might have promptly burned it. This is what she says: “My new career took a while to take hold. It took many, many rejections before my first book, FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY, was finally accepted by a publisher. The worst rejection letter I ever got was that "Lady Di could be bicycling nude down the street giving this book away and nobody would read it." See her biography here She has gone on to sell millions of copies-oh to see the look on that reviewer’s face.

And the list goes on and on. Whenever I’m inundated with thoughts of my failures it is such an inspiration to read the stories of fellow human beings who’ve faced failure and adversity and have never given up. I am also realizing that when you’re at your lowest point, you are quite possibly at the onset your greatest breakthrough if you don’t give up. Why? At this point inhibitions, meeting the status quo, and appearances start not to matter. You (or at least I do) somehow go into the “I have nothing to lose mode” and interestingly enough you begin to make things happen.

It’s been proven my dear friends that failures can breed success if only You Don’t Give Up!


  1. Thank you for this, it was a very encouraging post! When of think of all those Chicken Soup books...wow, and to think they got rejected all those times. Have a blessed day! Lori

  2. You're welcome Lori. I know...can you imagine if Chicken Soup for the Soul had given up?

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. very true words about celebrities and people at the beginning and very inspiring sentence at the end .. i couldn't agree more ..failure makes u stronger !.
    thank u
